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Early Years

Mpower has been providing high quality Early Childhood Intervention Service programs to the South West of Victoria since 1991.  Mpower is committed to making a positive difference to the lives of people for whom it provides a service. Mpower is a registered NDIS provider.

Early Years

Therapy Services

Mpower has been providing high quality Therapy Service programs to the South West of Victoria since 1991.  Mpower is committed to making a positive difference to the lives of people we support.


The Mpower Therapy Services team provides a range of flexible, family-centred and child-focused services to support children with developmental delays, Autism Spectrum Disorders or diagnosed disabilities and their families.

As a registered NDIS provider, staff work individually with children and their networks to create a tailored, structured program to support them in working  towards their NDIS goals.

Mpower is aware of the pivotal role of the family in a child’s life and understands that each family is unique, with their own priorities, strengths and support networks. By recognising this, we are able to work closely with each family to identify their priorities for desired outcomes, and the services and supports through which these are most likely to be achieved.
To reach the best outcomes possible, we embed services and therapies into the natural and familiar environments and routines of your child and family.  Effective early childhood intervention programs are an important first step for children with disabilities or developmental concerns.  Timely early childhood intervention leads to improved outcomes through increasing social and daily living skills and promoting development .
Mpower’s skilled speech pathologists, occupational therapists, teachers, educators, assistants and psychologist work closely with children and their families. Their aim is to ensure children and their families receive the support and services they need to reach their full potential and maximise their quality and enjoyment of life.
Our programs can support a child’s development in areas such as:

• Cognitive skills (thinking, learning and solving problems)
•​ Communication skills (talking, listening and understanding)
•​ Self-help skills (eating, dressing, toileting)
•​ Social or emotional skills (behaviour, playing and interacting with others)
•​ Sensory processing skills (tastes, sounds, smells, textures)
•​ Behaviour (emotional regulation, following routines, management strategies)


Families can choose a mix of services that best meet their needs. Services are flexibly delivered and can be provided:

• ​In the family home
•​ At the Mpower offices in Warrnambool, Portland and Hamilton
•​ At other locations requested by the family - childcare, kindergarten or school

Early Years

Therapeutic Supports

Our Team

Speech Pathologists

For 0-7 years.  Speech Pathology can help with building children’s communication, speech, language, play and social skills. Speech pathologists also work on eating and feeding issues.
Mpower’s speech pathologists assess and treat children who have difficulties with communication. A speech pathologist will work with you to design an individualised program that best meets the communication needs of your child that aligns with their NDIS goals. This might include speech and language therapy or use of visual systems, pictures or sign language.


Occupational Therapists 

For 0-7 years.  Occupational Therapy (OT) can help with building children’s competence in daily living skills including independence, play, thinking, fine motor and gross motor skills.
Mpower’s occupational therapists can assist by assessing needs and developing strategies in the areas of independence skills (e.g. dressing, toileting, and using utensils), fine motor skills, sensory issues and advice regarding appropriate equipment.


Our occupational therapists can assist your child to become more independent in managing the challenges of everyday activities, self-care and daily living needs.


Key Workers

Mpower’s Key Workers are early childhood intervention professionals who will support and empower families to make informed choices. The key worker is the person families will see and talk to the most and who provides early intervention support to children using the ECIS program.


They will provide you with the information you need on the range of services that you may choose to access and help you to communicate with other professionals on your behalf if you wish, set priorities and co-ordinate the supports you choose. They will support you to develop the skills your child needs to participate in everyday life.


Kindergarten Support and Consultancy

Mpower’s Early Childhood Intervention Service provides extra inclusion support for children attending kindergarten. Mpower staff understand that every child and family is unique and has different skills and strengths. We also understand the importance of working in partnership, making the best use of the skills and knowledge of family members and professionals involved.


Behaviour Support

Strategies are developed with the understanding that all behaviours have a purpose. Parents are encouraged to identify behaviours of concern and then work with the behaviour consultant to tailor plans to suit the needs of the child and family. Sessions identify family strengths and work from this skill base.


Suggested strategies may include:

• Use of consistent and united responses
• Use of visual supports such as schedules and stories
• Use of plans that are provided across multiple environments (e.g. home and childcare)
• Improving communication skills


Early Years


Mpower runs a variety of playgroups and play-based programs.  Click on the group name to find out more information:


Our play programs provide a variety of developmental play activities to encourage the development of communication, play, motor skills, social confidence and independence that will assist children to prepare for kindergarten.  We support children to learn how to interact with others, share and take turns, develop self-control, form friendships and learn about and experience routines.


Play programs provide parents with a friendly environment where they can spend time with their children and help them improve their learning and development in a relaxed and unpressured play-based environment.

This enables parents and carers to develop an understanding of play-based learning, build their awareness of children’s developmental milestones, support and encourage positive parenting strategies and learn how they can be actively involved in their child’s learning.


Parents are able to support one another and share their stories and experiences regarding the day to day issues they face in raising a child with a disability.


Centre-based play programs are currently held in Warrnambool and Portland. 


Early Years

Siblings Group

Supporting Young Siblings of Children with Disabilities or complex medical needs

Mpower understands the unique challenges faced by siblings of children with disabilities. To support them, Mpower’s Therapy Services Practitioners have introduced the Siblings Groupa FREE program for children aged 8 to 12.

This fun and supportive group helps siblings connect with others who share similar experiences, reducing isolation, building resilience, and strengthening family bonds. Key objectives include:

  • Understanding Disability: Learning about disabilities and challenges.
  • Building Connections: Making friends with shared experiences.
  • Emotional Well-being: Developing coping strategies for tough emotions.
  • Positive Self-Image: Boosting confidence in their roles as siblings.

Currently based in Warrnambool, the Siblings Group is open to eligible children without NDIS funding.

Early Years

Developmental Toy Library

The Toy Library provides information for parents and lends play materials and education toys and equipment to facilitate the growth and development of infants and children.


Please contact the Early Childhood Intervention and Therapy Manager or your Key Worker for more information relating to programs currently on offer.